Monday, February 13, 2012

Water feature

The renovations were put on hold for a bit as we had guests for the weekend from Sydney. On a hot and steamy Brisbane weekend we breakfasted, lunched and dined around town. The boys were spoilt with new toys and a good time was had by all.
I enjoyed showing them our new house, relieved that I'd had managed to paint the dining room, stairs and landing before they'd arrived.

Thankfully however I'd left the ceilings for later as we were going to change the position of the light fittings. This turned out to be a wise decision as on Saturday lunch time water was detected dripping from the dining room ceiling under where the upstairs bathroom is. By the time the plumber had come and gone it had turned into a huge water stain with a collapsed section of ceiling. Annoying? Definitely. Embarrassing? Slightly. But at least I'll only have to paint it once....

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