Yesterday when I came back from work there were a couple on deliveries waiting for me. On the back deck were two boxes from Temple & Webster and in the dining room, another two boxes with my much anticipated new dining table.
I decided to start small and tackled the two boxes on the deck. The first box had a lovely new occasional table that I bought to brighten up our rather dark living room. Our very practical dark brown, leather sofas may be child proof, but don't exactly make the heart sing. So a bit of shine was exactly what the room needed.
Time to turn my attention to other, rather larger, box. This had me a bit confused as the other item I'd ordered was a temple jar. So what could be in that big box? That's right - the largest temple jar you've ever, ever seen. So completely oversized that I spent yesterday breaking out into hysterical giggles every time I looked at it. I've no idea what to do with it. I had planned to put it on a table or bookshelf but that's obviously not going to happen. Anyone want a huge temple jar?
And the moral is: always carefully read the dimensions when shopping online!
Will hopefully have the dining room table assembled soon when I can get someone to help me.
I really like that silver table T. stylish. I had to laugh at the urn story, it is huge, beautiful though. Checking the size is one of the real tricks to ordering online indeed. :)